okay so my handphone has fell to pieces.
great-.- jusssttt great.
eeeeuuurggh. so the story was like this,
me standing on the balcony talking to my over exagerating friend.
so he was telling some story about how his first date was, my hand was resting on the rail, and i was holding on to my handphone.
so yes, like i said, over exagerating, he accidentally hit my hand, and yes, my handphone flew like a bird and fell, shattered.
for 5 mins, he and i had a really blank expression. as soon as we snapped out of it,
we ran down, in hopes to atleast save my sim card, and you know what, it snapped to half. how on earth it was snapped to half? i have been wondering about it myself.
so i have no hp now.
pfft. bright side? i dont have to pay for the bills anymore.
mother eff.
*stomps feet*
im outta here.-.-
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Amirun Zaqy

this is my.... uh long story.hahaha
k nvm ill just tell . he's my bro's wife's daughter's son. okay fine, im a grandma! haha he married someone older than him,so it explains everything.k dah. hahaa
anyways.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Amirun zaqy :) finally 1 year old. hahahaha
hope he likes the present we gave. more pics will be uploaded soon :)
Friday, September 25, 2009

HAHA.burokkkkk siols.
haha last day of school was spent with the girls...along with petak and oz.hahaha
we hung out at BKM. we don't usually ''lepak'' so we thought why not on the last day of school.hahahha it was real funny.
nadia: taknak ahhh. aku taknak pukol thahirah ah..nanti die nye revenge tak macam(couldn't think of any words)..... tak macam tu ah!
me:tu ah!
others: ROFL.
*drills drilling* * couldn't hear a thing*
Azyani( perfect hearing) : ah? ape?! oh! okay okay ! sorry ah!
eliyana: pekak.
Azyani: eh kau eh! panggil aku pekak! kau eh! kau eh! kau tau!panggil aku pekak tau! kau eh. kau.hahahahahahahahaha.
im gonna miss everyone!. especially my class 4n2.:) the most black listed class in the whole school
principle: what class are you guys from?
us: 4N2 !
principle: * slaps forehead* sighs.
us: haha.
gonna miss all the name callings and beat boxing.hahaah! *yo rizal bbc! rizal sc!*
i hope we won't lose contact.
tomorrow we're going out as a class for hari raya. all 18 of us. :) hehe.
see you bitches tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
ok ok this is for mike.
he called me up crying like hell. i was like wth? . he told me that he just wanted to say goodbye, coz he had to leave singapore and he isn't coming back.
i was off course shocked. oh gosh.
he's a great friend. and to lose a friend like that. its really upsetting.
im really gonna miss him alot. really. sighs.
i hope that you're gonna be fine, and do please take care of yourself alright mike.
pity him, coz he really have no choice. :(
hais. byeee mike...thanks for being there for me.
goshh, i feel so bad right now.
he called me up crying like hell. i was like wth? . he told me that he just wanted to say goodbye, coz he had to leave singapore and he isn't coming back.
i was off course shocked. oh gosh.
he's a great friend. and to lose a friend like that. its really upsetting.
im really gonna miss him alot. really. sighs.
i hope that you're gonna be fine, and do please take care of yourself alright mike.
pity him, coz he really have no choice. :(
hais. byeee mike...thanks for being there for me.
goshh, i feel so bad right now.
- lontongs and ketupats everywhere.
- girls wear too much make up.
- i found out i have alot of hot cousins.
- everyone thinks im the one who got engaged, instead of my brother.-.-
- a 22 year old girl kissed my hand.
- old people talk too much.
- the money was lesser then my shopping allowance.
- N level is coming.
- the weather suck.
- conflicts in family. *rolls eyes*
- if i hear one more hari raya song, im gonna kill myself.
- yes i cried when asking for forgiveness from my parents brothers and others. for once, i hated to be the youngest. it ruined my make up off course.
- im glad im not wearing kebaye. it wouldn't be as comfortable.
- Jurong is ugly.
- and for god sake~ selamat hari raya:) so enough with the msgs already. -.- hehe.
thats all for now. i think. hahaha
this is the last week of school, Ns are coming.
now my automatic nervous system is launching stress hormones.
for the moment, im just glad that this'll be the last week im seeing that sng. -.-
thank gawd.
and oh, came across an old friend just now.
i can't get over how much weight he has lost. he was such a chubby looking kid in primary school. we always say that if he's skinny, he'll be a lady killer. haha
apparently, he did lost alot of weight and as predicted, he's one hot stuff. haha!
well done to Alan:)
what else what else,
uhhh ....... nothing!
im outta here.
see ya.
- lontongs and ketupats everywhere.
- girls wear too much make up.
- i found out i have alot of hot cousins.
- everyone thinks im the one who got engaged, instead of my brother.-.-
- a 22 year old girl kissed my hand.
- old people talk too much.
- the money was lesser then my shopping allowance.
- N level is coming.
- the weather suck.
- conflicts in family. *rolls eyes*
- if i hear one more hari raya song, im gonna kill myself.
- yes i cried when asking for forgiveness from my parents brothers and others. for once, i hated to be the youngest. it ruined my make up off course.
- im glad im not wearing kebaye. it wouldn't be as comfortable.
- Jurong is ugly.
- and for god sake~ selamat hari raya:) so enough with the msgs already. -.- hehe.
thats all for now. i think. hahaha
this is the last week of school, Ns are coming.
now my automatic nervous system is launching stress hormones.
for the moment, im just glad that this'll be the last week im seeing that sng. -.-
thank gawd.
and oh, came across an old friend just now.
i can't get over how much weight he has lost. he was such a chubby looking kid in primary school. we always say that if he's skinny, he'll be a lady killer. haha
apparently, he did lost alot of weight and as predicted, he's one hot stuff. haha!
well done to Alan:)
what else what else,
uhhh ....... nothing!
im outta here.
see ya.
Friday, September 18, 2009
currently ,
painting my nails black.
dancing to Down-Jay sean. haha
woooo . * baby are you down down down down down*
i realize now that, my favourite sayang at school, just cannot leave me alone.
everyday he sees me, ade je bende die nak bbual tau.
aku dah lah malas nak layan kau. sekali skale takpe tau. tapi seriously today,
i feel like slapping his face. tau pon kau takot, baru nak buat baek2 ngan aku.
but too bad ah by then da nak masok kul 1 so 1/2 an hour wasted on kau.
penyusah hidop kan kau. eeeurgh! -.-
i am so glad its holiday. phew. limit2 aku jumpe kau on wednesday je uh kay. :)
jangan harap aku nak datang on tuesday dari choa chu kang sampai bukit panjang untok stakat 2 jam je eh.
yes . im angry. no actually, im irritated.
to the people yang aku taknak layan tolong don't act as if our conversations are fabulous. coz its not.
i was just being nice.
if i had a penny for everytime i rolled my eyes, i wouldve been rich.
painting my nails black.
dancing to Down-Jay sean. haha
woooo . * baby are you down down down down down*
i realize now that, my favourite sayang at school, just cannot leave me alone.
everyday he sees me, ade je bende die nak bbual tau.
aku dah lah malas nak layan kau. sekali skale takpe tau. tapi seriously today,
i feel like slapping his face. tau pon kau takot, baru nak buat baek2 ngan aku.
but too bad ah by then da nak masok kul 1 so 1/2 an hour wasted on kau.
penyusah hidop kan kau. eeeurgh! -.-
i am so glad its holiday. phew. limit2 aku jumpe kau on wednesday je uh kay. :)
jangan harap aku nak datang on tuesday dari choa chu kang sampai bukit panjang untok stakat 2 jam je eh.
yes . im angry. no actually, im irritated.
to the people yang aku taknak layan tolong don't act as if our conversations are fabulous. coz its not.
i was just being nice.
if i had a penny for everytime i rolled my eyes, i wouldve been rich.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Im happy with my life right now :) haha.
everything's good, not perfect, just good.
haha we all sang hari raya song at class just now, padehal the teacher tengah mengamok tau... we were all like singing then laughing like hell. hahaha!
went home with mims and eliyana, the joking around still isnt over, and its never gonna be over until we separate. hahaha. kecohh.
since hari raya is coming, im in the holiday mood. goshhhh when i so need to buck up on my subjects. for the people who said Ns was gonna be easy,kepale otak kau!.
seriously, considering that the system has been changed in order to get to sec 5,
the least they could do is to set an easy paper. jeez.
i mean eng and math is a compulsory subject to pass. Oh-my-god. and we can only fail one? fantastic.
i bet you can count with one hand the number of people who'd get to sec 5, excluding the through train off course.
i really need to study hard man. period.
everything's good, not perfect, just good.
haha we all sang hari raya song at class just now, padehal the teacher tengah mengamok tau... we were all like singing then laughing like hell. hahaha!
went home with mims and eliyana, the joking around still isnt over, and its never gonna be over until we separate. hahaha. kecohh.
since hari raya is coming, im in the holiday mood. goshhhh when i so need to buck up on my subjects. for the people who said Ns was gonna be easy,kepale otak kau!.
seriously, considering that the system has been changed in order to get to sec 5,
the least they could do is to set an easy paper. jeez.
i mean eng and math is a compulsory subject to pass. Oh-my-god. and we can only fail one? fantastic.
i bet you can count with one hand the number of people who'd get to sec 5, excluding the through train off course.
i really need to study hard man. period.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
went out with my parents yesterday.
we went to ion orchard. the place is great:) i know the first place i wanted to go was Prada, but it wasnt opened yet. haha
so since my dad used the phrase every daughter loves ''go take anything you want''
im like OKAY.
hahaha so
two Louis Vuitton bags. (GORGEOUS)
heels from Fabiano Ricco (TO DIE FOR)
and as you can see in the picture, ive already picked out my spectacle frame.
i wanted Versace, but YAAA MURAH UH!.. haha
so i picked out Chanel. hahaha they let me try it out first for a few days and that if i dont like it, i could change. hahahahaha
its nice to go home and stare at all the things you have in your room. hahaha
oh and ,
i wana thank everyone who has been concern about me this whole day,
for listening to the problem i have, a shoulder to lean on, shoulderSss actually!hahaha you know i know. hahaha
i think im okay now:) really. im handling this pretty smoothly i guess.
as you all say,
the only way to get through this is to keep moving forward.
and yeah, when one door closes, another one opens.:) hahaha!
thank you guys:)
thats all!
au revoir!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
''An End Means Another Beginning''
all i can say is, i know ive made the right decision.
moving onnnn....
phone conference
A: why is it so noisy?
me: oh im having a guest.
A: huh? guest? guess? guess what?
D: uh.what?
me: what? what? i said guest!
A: i said guess too!
me: i mean guest guest!
D: ok im not good at guessing game, whats the ans?
me: ok, you guys are officially the dumbest people i have ever met.
A: oh! haha!
D: i still dnt get it.
me: nvm D. let it go
day 1.
thahirah: kau dah buatt ke belomm?!
me: dah lah ! dah lah!
after 5 seconds
me again: ape soalan kau ah?
thahirah: -.-
day 2.
D : what do want to eat?
me: tak tau lah! kan da bilang!
after 5 seconds
me again: eh tadi u tanye ape uh?
D: -.-
day 3.
thahirah: yang kau pandai2 pegi bilang A asl?!
me: MANE LAH AKU TAUUUUU.aku tak tau!
after 5 seconds
me again: aku bilang ape?
day 4.
D&A : oi! azyani! your turn!
me: ah? my turn? oh okay okay! sorry ahhh.
*sits down, muke smangat, everyone staring*
after 5 seconds
me again: buat ape?
D&A: *rolls eyes* * slaps forehead*
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
So im starting to watch two TV series.
one is MADE
another one is THE HILLS.
haha i love em both. i prefer much of the hills.
all i can say is, SPENCER IS SO DUMN.(dumn? i think i wanted to type dumb, and then i kept on having damn in my mind, and then it came out that way.)
and heidi shouldnt betray lauren like that. besides, spencer is sooo not worth it.
basically, its a series about their super awesome life. i mean it's real. it's really2 real. and i like sooo want their life. thats why i love watching it.
hahaha .
and MADE is basically about trying to change a person into a whole new person.
two favourite series of mine will be, one, when they change Annah , which is a school geek, to a hot top model. AND SHE GOT TO DATE DREW! ( effffffing hot 18 yr old. suspected gay though.but HOT model!). she then got a cover page on Cosmo magazine. omg right?
second one would be how they change a total rich bratt to a mountain climber. hahahahaha, loved seeing them squirm.
au revoir loves!
one is MADE
another one is THE HILLS.
haha i love em both. i prefer much of the hills.
all i can say is, SPENCER IS SO DUMN.(dumn? i think i wanted to type dumb, and then i kept on having damn in my mind, and then it came out that way.)
and heidi shouldnt betray lauren like that. besides, spencer is sooo not worth it.
basically, its a series about their super awesome life. i mean it's real. it's really2 real. and i like sooo want their life. thats why i love watching it.
hahaha .
and MADE is basically about trying to change a person into a whole new person.
two favourite series of mine will be, one, when they change Annah , which is a school geek, to a hot top model. AND SHE GOT TO DATE DREW! ( effffffing hot 18 yr old. suspected gay though.but HOT model!). she then got a cover page on Cosmo magazine. omg right?
second one would be how they change a total rich bratt to a mountain climber. hahahahaha, loved seeing them squirm.
au revoir loves!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
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