Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What a painful day.

I thought i was able to go to school today. I did off course, but my menses cramps were killing me! Of all the many times i have menses cramps, this is by far the worst!
I couldn't eat , I couldn't concentrate on anything besides my stomach .
During lunch time, Mimi looked at me and offered her sandwich, how kind :) . but like i said,
I couldn't eat.
I could not take it any longer, so i asked Mims to accompany me to the office because iwas in serious need of rest.
Then comes the irritating part, they told me to go home.-.-
I feel like if i move even one more muscle, my body is gonna shatter to pieces. k bedek.
So whatever, I called my dad. While he was on his way, the irritating-ness grows, they told me to sit down , fine okay i can sit down. Then, They kept on bugging me to wear a mask , sign a form, take temperature , fill in another form, sit properly, sign another form,constantly asking me stupid questions , for example, '' are you okay? ''.seriously, you don't want me to answer that. I can bare nonsensical people, but whenever i talk to idiots, it feels like bugs are crawling in my veins instead of blood containing oxygen.
I realized that people were starring at being so restless. what do i care? i was in massive painn...

As soon as my dad arrived, I ran to the car ,open the door, threw my bag in, and fi-na-lly~ lie down! -.- had a nice long sleep as soon as i got home. When i woke up, my parents brought me to the clinic to get an MC coz ill be missing my oral exam today.
So the MC is for today and tomorrow. seems like one more day of missing school . great-.-

:) But im feeling alot better now , comparing to this morning. heehs.
I'll see you guys on thursday then i guess?

gots to go take my medicine now .
au revoir!

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