So i was eating then my handphone rang, i checked to see who, and it was from SZ studios. i was shocked of course. once worked for them, i quitted halfway i think coz back then they were really on the watch of what im eating and how's my weight, i find it frustrating really.
I answered the phone and it was Zara!! ( old friend )
zara: hello is this Azyani misawar? i am zara from SZ studios, if you do not recognise my name or the company you must be a total jackass.
me: ZARA!!ahhh!! omg omg i miss you i miss you!!
zara: haha yeah yeah. k diam, i have to do this professionally. You have been selected to remodel for SZ studios. Free makeovers will be given and the shoots will not be as long as 8-9 hours like before.it will approximately only take up to 3 hours. this is to publish our new opening at havelock road. we would really appreciate it if you were to accept the offer.
me:yeah sure whatever.im bored anyways. haha omg i miss you!!
zara: okay miss, i shall call you in an hour to explain your venue of shoot. *whispers* ; i miss you too. hehe~
me:haha okay~
hahahaha so there you go. ^^ im officially employed!^^
i hope the schedule won't be as tight as before.
i just pity thahirah~ sighs.
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