sorry for not updating for a very very long time.
one word, MALAS.
im updating now..
this is gonna be a long one.
so here's what happened today. but,this might be mixed with what happened the day before,or maybe the day before the day before. i don't know, i just ramble everything i wanna say,so just see where it leads yeah?
the gfs went to SENTOSA. along with their partners of course.
Nad texted me like 3 days before? and i was already confirming with everyone.
everyone but one, :( my own bf. he didn't wanna go because apparently, he's not a ''beach person''. i was disappointed,upset,angry everything all mixed up.
i really didn't know what to say.
everyone was telling me to get him to go. been there,done that. his answer was still no.-.-
i gave up and just simply said, let him be. suddenly, i wasn't that much excited about going.
that night he gave me a call... saying that he wanna make it up with me the day after. but, as much as i would appreciate everything,that wasn't what i wanted.
we talked and talked through out the whole night.
IN THE END, he said to me he'll follow.i had brain freeze moment,but i told him it's okay because i wouldn't want him to do something he doesn't like. but he insisted,and said ''anything for you''. yeah,but there was a condition,no need to know what. k admit,though i felt sorry for him,i still was glad that he decided to follow.=) thank you so much b.
the rough convo went to a pleasant one. he asked if i could still go out with him,
so i said yes..i mean,what kinda person am i if i were to say no right.
oh oh and guess what HE TURNED 18 ON THE 28TH OF DECEMBER,and on that particular day i went out with him,he enrolled for his motor license! life would be so easier once he has a bike of his own.EH B EH?.^^ its all his every wanted, im just happy for him. its like seeing him eat alot,so happy.HAHA.then did a lil shopping for himself,ate and then back to his house and then back to mine^^.
back to what happened today,
sentosa. see i told you ill ramble about other days too.
everything was great. went to his house early in the morning,coz i know he just won't wake up.layed down beside him,seeing him sleeping,didn't have the heart to wake him up, but TOO BAD,he must. he woke up half an hr before the time we had to leave,surprisingly, it didn't take him long to get ready. OF COURSE I HAD TO IRON HIS CLOTHES-.-
then went all the way to harbourfront,then as i expected,
bumped into thahirah and man.
then went off to meet Nad and fir who was already at sentosa.
theeennnn.. they ate a little, wait no, except for aslam, he ate ALOT.as usual.kesian bby..lapar eh..
our tongue was practically screaming for water, but the barer, late. hahahaha until we couldn't take it,aslam and i went to 7 eleven and bought some water..
even after that whole big gulp was finished,eliyana was still no where to be seen.-.-
blah3..story short.eliyana arrived.kecoh2.
then head off to swimming..aku da start malas nak type.....
swim2...joke2...burried eliyana(klakar nak mampos)...
okay know what? today was fun kay? enough said. pictures will be uploaded soon!happy?
i wanna say thank you to aslam..^^ for everything you've done,only with one reason,me.
ive said so many things that i didn't mean to you. harsh things.i am trully sorry.
I don't know what i should do to repay you for what you did for me b, but i shall hold up to my condition.i promise.
this might sound like im sucking up,but he's like,i dare say, hard to be replaced.
i love him.i really do. oh and thanks for paying for everything^^ you is the best.